Oct 14, 2021

Sermon Conclusions

As part of a class on preaching that I am teaching, I was reminded of this helpful list from Akin, Curtis, and Rummage on the purposes of sermon conclusions.
  • The conclusion should conclude and bring the message to a timely and appropriate end.
  • The conclusion should restate the major idea and minor points of your message.
  • The conclusion is where you make your final appeal to encourage your people to action.
  • The conclusion should engage the mind, elevate the emotions, and excite the will.
  • The conclusion is to ask for a verdict.
  • The conclusion is tied to the introduction and helps answer the question, “So what?”
  • The conclusion intends to encourage and challenge, as well as comfort and guide.
Engaging Exposition (Nashville B&H Academic, 2011), 199-200 (with some very slight changes).

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