Aug 13, 2008

Things to Work On in Preaching

Colin Adams has a challenging list of things that he is working on in his preaching.


…the exegetical carefulness of Don Carson …the expositional clarity of John Stott …the assiduous attention to context of Dick Lucas …the cross-referencing knowledge of John MacArthur …the ‘outlining’ skills of Warren Wiersbe …the doctrinal precision of RC Sproul …the bible-critiquing-culture abilities of Al Mohler …the delivery of James Montgomery Boice …the vocabulary of R Kent Hughes …the simple yet powerful illustrations of CH Spurgeon …the winsome yet pointed humor of Alistair Begg …the applicational focus of CJ Mahaney …the apologetical ’side-bars’ of Tim Keller …the sheer Scriptural coverage of Mark Dever …the heart for the lost of George Whitefield …the compassion for the flock of Charles Simeon …the unbridled passion for God of John Piper …the gravity of Doctor Martyn Lloyd Jones

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that all he has to work on to improve his preaching?! :)