Jun 14, 2010

Point of View in Narratives

"Point of view is an important concept in narrative analysis. It refers to the perspective from which a story is told. There at least three different aspects of point of view. The most common of these is sometimes called the ‘psychological point of view.’ This relates to whether the story is told from a first-person perspective by one of the participants or from a third-person perspective by an outside observer. A second aspect is ‘physical point of view.’ This refers to the narrator’s physical or temporal position in relation to the action described in the story. Does he or she give the impression of standing at a distance or being in the thick of the action? Finally, narrative analysis speak of ‘ideological point of view.’ This refers to the narrator’s feelings and attitudes toward the events and characters of the story. Is he or she sympathetic or hostile, trusting or suspicious, approving or disapproving?"

Timothy Wiarda, Interpreting Gospel Narratives: Scenes, People, and Theology (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2010), 64.


Brian Small said...

Hey Charles,

Does Wiarda deal with characterization at all in his book?

Charles Savelle said...

Hi Brian:

Wiarda does deal with characterization fairly extensively. You might want to check out Google Books here: http://books.google.com/books?id=IGPNbHUW3YYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Timothy+Wiarda&cd=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

Look under characterization in the subject index p. 237. You can then read some of the sections.

Brian Small said...

Thanks. I am surprised Google books already has a copy up. I requested the library to order a copy, but this is helpful to get quick access.

Charles Savelle said...

It is amazing. As you can see not all the book is available, but hopefully, at least some of the parts you are interested in are accessible, at least until the library gets a copy.

Brian Small said...

Yes, fortunately the sections on characterization were largely intact. I have already incorporated a quote into my document. Thanks.