Compiling a list of all the occurrences of prayer in Acts is not as straightforward a task as it might appear to be. Scholars have differed somewhat concerning the exact number of instances. For example, Allison Trites identifies “approximately twenty-five significant instances of prayer,”[1] whereas, Joel Green states that, “Over thirty times in the acts of the Apostles, Luke characterizes Jesus’ followers as being in prayer or narrates episodes of prayer.”[2] The criterion that was used in identifying prayer in this list included the use of prayer vocabulary, the addressing of and or conversation with the Father or the Son, and context. I have further divided this listing into unambiguous and ambiguous references to prayer.
Unambiguous (1:13–14, 24; 2:42; 3:1; 5:24–31; 6:4, 6:6; 7:59–60; 8:22, 24; 9:3–6, 10–16, 40; 10:2, 3–8, 9–16, 30–31; 11:5–10; 12:5, 12; 13:3; 14:23; 16:13, 25; 20:36; 22:6–10, 17; 26:14–18; 27:34; 28:8)
Ambiguous (2:47; 7:55–56; 10:46; 21:20)
[1] Allison A. Trites, “The Prayer Motif in Luke-Acts,” in Perspectives on Luke-Acts, ed. Charles H. Talbert (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1978), 179.
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