Jun 19, 2008

Top Five Commentaries on Genesis

Ligonier Ministries has a
list and discussion of their top five commentaries on Genesis. I generally agree with their list, but I would rank Hamilton a bit higher, either first or second. In any case, the top five are:

1. Gordon J. Wenham -- Genesis 1-15 and Genesis 16-50 (Word Biblical Commentary, 1987, 1994);
2. Kenneth A. Mathews -- Genesis 1-11:26 and Genesis 11:27-50:26 (The New American Commentary, 1996, 2005);
3. Victor P. Hamilton -- The Book of Genesis 1-17 and The Book of Genesis 18-50 (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, 1990, 1995);
4. Allen P. Ross -- Creation and Blessing (1988);
5. John H. Walton -- Genesis (NIV Application Commentary, 2001).

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