David Ritsema has a very helpful post on "Top Ten Tips for doing your PhD" here. He lists three different lists, two from other sources, and his own list. I have included a edited version of the lists below.
Jobs.ac.uk list
1. Talk to your supervisor
2. Stay focused
3. Start with a plan
4. Be flexible
5. Stay sane while researching
6. Set yourself achievable deadlines
7. Stick to your achievable deadlines!
8. Know when to stop
9. Choose tough but friendly examiners
10. Think about the next step
1. Begin with the end in mind
2. You have no obligation to write an important or even useful thesis
3. Write!
4. Exercise regularly
5. Enjoy your “play time”
6. Talk to others about your problems
7. Record your progress
8. Don’t find excuses - don’t do too many other important things.
9. Choose a dissertation topic you are passionate about
10. Work on your strengths, not on your weaknesses
11. Take charge - it’s your life not your supervisor’s
12. Do what is right for you - including the choice of discontinuing your Ph.D.
Ritsema’s list:
1. Go to SBL/AAR National Meeting or else a local meeting. [I would include ETS]
2. Develop Friendships with Other Students and Scholars.
3. Prepare yourself and family (if married).
4. Make Use of Discounted Book Sellers .
5. Develop a pattern of studying.
6. Learn to read and write quickly.
7. Buy Turabian but download SBL Guide.
8. Buy Software Suites.
9. Locate Online Academic Communities.
10. Take seriously your professors’ comments but never let their criticism keep you from moving forward.
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